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Hermosillo Green Challenge 2021



The Hermosillo Green Challenge

Thesearch desolution to the problems  that plague our big house it may seemcomplex yhard , actually it is easy and it is available to you, me and any other personaround world

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 

         Yes ok it's truethat both the initiatives by governments, companies, environmental groups and individuals for the   care and protection of the environment, natural resources and the improvement and attention to urban environments have had an increase and are a constant today around the world, progress and results   are still insufficient, and it is really easy today to see or feel   that something is wrong_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ it is like a  feeling that we are traveling at full speed towards unknown terrain and in the process we witness how little by little we are losing control  of the freedoms and privileges that we had always taken for granted, based on this and a brief analysis of the most serious problems and the remedial actions that are being carried out by the different actors mentioned and trying to understand and visualize what would be the ideal parameters in which the processes, ecosystems, species and vital resources can function correctly, be sustainable and provide us with a good quality of life, we find the following:

  • Desertification and Deforestation 

  • Contaminación  de Aire ,  Aguas  superficiales subterráneas   y de los Océanos 

  • Proliferation of clandestine garbage dumps and the presence of esta  everywhere. 

  • Inadequate public and household services 

  • Irrational car culture that causes smog, dust and saturation of transport routes. 

  • Urban facilities  and public areas in poor condition. 

  • Proliferation of highly marginalized housing belts. 

  • Implement a policy to give direction and adequate management to the high rates of migrant populations that arrive  in our cities. 

  • It is necessary to promote the creation of  a culture of responsible consumption, where the  local and state production of most of the products and merchandise that are consumed in  the state, either by the common citizen,  companies or government entities, as well as stricter controls regarding the indiscriminate use of containers and wrappers of single use plastics.. 

  • Seek governments and public servants that are more attentive and committed to vulnerable populations. 

  • Much remains to be done in terms of the use of clean and sustainable energy, as well as green infrastructure and adaptation of roads  for alternative transport.

  • Promote and encourage more citizen participation in dealing with these  problems.

  • Real commitment is required from public servants with the encomiendas, as well as a sense of responsibility towards their area of influence and for the results.

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          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  The Hermosillo Green Challenge, is a citizen initiative, promoted by citizens, businessmen and environmental groups, to carry out actions and activities in the next 10 years, which help reverse the problems that afflict our towns, neighborhoods, cities, the different ecosystems and their associated species, which as we know, are caused by climate change and overpopulation.

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Solucion integral al problema del AGUA

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Plataforma Reto Verde Hmo

Hermosillo Green Challenge 2021-2030

How does it work el Reto Verde  hERMOSILLO?


           The green challenge Hermosillo 21-30is a citizen initiative, which seeks to join the efforts and resources of some groups, institutions, collectives, companies, individuals and organizations that today are carrying out or participating in some way in initiatives, projects or any activity aimed at environmental care and protection and conservation of natural resources.

         El Reto Verde Hermosilloit is in itself a tool, which seeks to: facilitate, empower and give direction to initiatives and

There are basically two forms of participation:

           Adherent Promoter:

  • Participates directly in the preparation and approval of guidelines for the policies of the themes of the initiatives, their approach, scope and level and manner of participation in each initiative,

  • You can propose  alone or with other groups or individuals one or more initiatives.

  • Your entry is voluntary and you can at any time renounce your status as a promoter adherent, as long as your resignation does not affect any project of which you are the main proponent or participant or if you make the necessary agreements or adjustments so that such initiative or project is not are affected by your departure.

  • Belonging to the Hermosillo Green Challenge only obliges you to  always seek the common good, ethical behavior  and adhere to the declaration of guidelines accepted, signed and endorsed by all APs

  • You can participate in any of the RVH2021 challenges in different ways

-As support;


-Seed capital,


-Specialized jobs,


- In diffusion and promotion.


Associate Adherent

They can be associates, people, groups, companies, associations, collectives, municipal institutions, ejidos, communities, producer unions, media, social networks, electronic/web platforms.


Most of the initiatives and projects are aimed at solving problems that directly affect our society in one way or another, so cooperation and synergies with the associated Adherents are of vital importance to obtain excellent results in each of the initiatives.


Associate Adherents can be:

  • Recipients / Borrowers / Beneficiaries

  • Grantees/Sponsors

  • facilitators

  • Volunteering

Our Sponsors

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Hermosillo Green Challenge 21-30

Local Action Global Impact



Hermosillo Green Challenge 2021



This year  that just passed, showed us live and in full color, how vulnerable we are, not only on a personal and social level, but at levels never imagined, to the point of seeing, like some of things we took for granted and safe are no longer available, or political, social  systems and patterns of interaction and their inherent processes have slowed down, or are inadequate for the progress or growth and even many of the benefits already achieved, have gone overboard, this gloomy scenario, in addition to disrupting all levels, as we saw earlier, has global repercussions, that is, something unprecedented almost incredible, but here it is, it is a reality.

Faced with this situation, the general question in our thoughts is: - and now, what should we do? Well, a generic answer and broadly speaking, would be, do, one of these 3 things:

  • The first would be to do nothing and wait for everything to resolve itself.

  • The second would be to look for solutions and a way to return to normality, with the parameters, levels and lifestyles that we had and return to them.

  • The third would be to adapt to the new reality, and from there make an evaluation of what or what were omissions, faults and failures, which led us to such a situation, to go looking for a way, either to do without, change or study new proposals and possibilities, or else, return to the systems used previously and that could be applied to solve the greatest number of problems to a greater extent and satisfactorily.

It is obvious that the second option would be the ideal solution, but the systems and mechanisms that supported all these activities are so complex and have been affected to such a degree that in addition to being complicated and onerous, it will require a long time to minimally recover the levels acceptable to get them running again.

Something important that must be emphasized is that to achieve adequate results and in the shortest period of time, the participation of the entire population as well as political, social and economic entities of each town, city, entity and country is primarily required. .and this is where we come to run into reality, we are so comfortable with our idiosyncrasies, egos, social position and our particular lifestyles that we are not yet able to measure how serious and complicated the situation is, although it is true that these are times difficult, they are also times of great opportunities, the opportunity to take the right path, to learn to value what really has value, to be supportive, to seek new ways and paths, to see beyond the apparent, to create new paradigms , to understand that we are social beings and that helping others even just a little bit, to be heroes, to set an example, there are many ways, come on, I invite you to You just study and evaluate the situation and then make your action plan, only with the sum of the will of each one of us is how we will get ahead.

Therefore, the somewhat palliative solution would be the third, which is the one that in fact has been implemented to a certain extent, which after 9 months and evaluating the results, to date, has not been implemented correctly. , more information is required (more complete and greater coverage and penetration) at the same time that its compliance is enforced, it is necessary to provide support to comply with the requirements of healthy distance, stay at home, avoid crowds in closed places and hygiene requirements of hands, use of face masks, as well as the preparation of a list of activities that can be carried out, with their characteristics and permitted parameters.



Questions we should ask ourselves daily

- Is this essential?

- How safe is the place where I am going?

- My family or close friends are at the same information level  and awareness, do you follow or try to follow the protocols?

-What is it that prevents me, my family or relatives, from complying with the protocols  sometimes?

- Is there any way to influence authorities, companies, or people to do the right thing  or start doing it?

- Is there anything that can be done in the short, medium or long term, to avoid going through this again?

Compras con máscara protectora

Factors that cause Pandemics

It is to some extent incredible the degree of rootlessness and little interest shown  lately  the majority of the world population not only for learning and understanding_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ the functions and importance of  natural areas, their resources, the processes, the biota and microbiota that give them life, make them vibrate and produce endless benefits_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ which can be tangible or intangible , but their importance is such   that their health and performance are intimately linked both to the health of human beings , and to the expectation of our permanence as inhabitants of According to studies by American researchers, the extinction of plant and animal species, one of the worst consequences of global climate change, is related to the increase in this planet. ment of infectious diseases in humans. According to Bruno González-Zorn, professor at the Veterinary Sanitary Surveillance Center of the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), "bacteria, viruses and fungi, the main producers of diseases, are adapted to live and survive in a specific niche (space which is constituted by the biological and functional variables of a community where a species can live successfully), and as long as that niche exists, bacteria and viruses will live in perfect symbiosis”.

But the transformation of these microorganisms into disease-causing pathogens occurs when, according to González-Zorn, “they live in reservoirs in a balance that is generated over millions of years, but when a species begins to disappear or is modified by environmental conditions , for example, that delicate balance in which they were, disappears”.

“Bacteria, viruses and fungi are not resigned to becoming extinct along with the organism that hosts them and increase their genetic variability to conquer new hosts.

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-138sucf5dena family this? , well, another way like  the depletion and total or partial destruction of these important ecosystems and their associated species, caused by the  lack of our_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ commitment to care for and protect them, is, according to Chinese researchers  who studied the origin and causes of the new Corona virus, affirm that although the new coronavirus is very similar to the Yunnan chrysanthemum bat virus, the difference between that and the one that was present in the first infected in Wuan was 4%, it means that it is unlikely that the bat virus has directly infected  people, they think that the same that the previous corona viruses, SARS AND MERS,  were transferred to humans by intermediate hosts in which they could have mutated, making it fit to infect humans. They also expressed their concern that the rapid expansion of the urban sprawl   and/or the destruction of natural habitats cause these disastrous interactions between bats and some semi-wild mammals_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ or wild, which, when hunted or trapped for consumption, carry these viruses to those who consume them.

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100 Thousand Native Trees and Shrubs for Hermosillo and the Sonoran Desert




Arboles para mi Ciudad

Trees for my City

Especies Sobreexplotadas

Overexploited Species


© 2021 Promoting My Town

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